Public and collective space in ‘9x18 settlements’


  • Elke Schlack Faculty of Architecture, Design and Urban Studies Pontifical Catholic University of Chile




In the debate about public space in the urban regeneration of 9x18 neighbourhoods, it is relevant to follow the urban space definition that transits from one form of society to another. This definition is used by Swekes to describe neighbourhoods that were originally informal settlements, and then suffered transformations that were not sensitive to their previous public life. In 9x18 neighbourhoods, which were born from informal settlements as well,  it is possible to recognise the coexistence of public spaces with patterns derived from their original collective life as well as other spaces that emerged from the subsequent governmental interventions. This chapter describes the characteristics of some concrete public and collective spaces, those which simultaneously give shelter to the collective life among people from the land invasions, and the public life of the neighbourhood that was built from new modernising interventions  Keywords: Plot of land operation; peripheral urbanisations; public space, collective space; urban regeneration.

How to Cite

Schlack, E. (2019). Public and collective space in ‘9x18 settlements’. Research in Urbanism Series, 5, 155–164.



Author Biography

Elke Schlack, Faculty of Architecture, Design and Urban Studies Pontifical Catholic University of Chile

Architect from the Catholic University of Chile, and Doctor from the Technological University of Berlin, Germany with specialization in urban development and urban law. She is currently academic and researcher at the School of Architecture of the Catholic University of Chile and academic at the Andres Bello University, Chile. She is also member of the 9x18 Laboratory and CMLab of the UC.


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