Challenges of Densification in 9x18 Neighbourhoods


  • María José Castillo Faculty of Architecture, Design and Urban Studies Pontifical Catholic University of Chile
  • Sebastián Gray Faculty of Architecture, Design and Urban Studies Pontifical Catholic University of Chile




The extension of Santiago’s metro line towards pericentral neighbouhods of social housing in 9x18 lots entails a process of densification and gentrification with the challenge of planning urban regeneration with territorial equity and social integration principles. This requires private/public management and investment at national, district and neighbourhood scale, that approaches to the neighbourhood improvement with maximum standards and high-quality densification that guarantee the permanence of current residents. In this chapter, measures for the development of public space and sustainable mobility are proposed, as well for the rehabilitation and construction of housing for homeowners, extended-households and new residents.

How to Cite

Castillo, M. J., & Gray, S. (2019). Challenges of Densification in 9x18 Neighbourhoods. Research in Urbanism Series, 5, 117–124.



Author Biographies

María José Castillo, Faculty of Architecture, Design and Urban Studies Pontifical Catholic University of Chile

Architect from the Catholic University of Chile, and doctor in Architect and urbanism with specialization on cooperation for the development of human settlements in the third world by Polytechnic University of Madrid. Currently. She is currently an Urban Planning Consultant and Head of the Urban Advisory Department of the Municipality of Providencia, Santiago.

Sebastián Gray, Faculty of Architecture, Design and Urban Studies Pontifical Catholic University of Chile

Architect from the Catholic University of Chile, MSc in Architecture Studies, MIT. He is currently Associate Professor at the School of Architecture at Catholic University of Chile, National Director of the National Council of Culture and Arts, Partner Architect at Bresciani Gray Arquitectos Ltda., and columnist and collaborator in various journalistic media specialized in Architecture and Urbanism.


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