Collaborative Housing

The Resurgence of Collectively Self-organised and Self-managed Housing in Europe


  • Darinka Czischke TU Delft, Architecture and the Built Environment




Against the backdrop of the current housing crisis, Europe has seen the (re)emergence of collectively self-organised housing projects. Collaborative housing stands as an umbrella term for the wide range of these housing forms, where groups of residents collectively design, develop and inhabit housing. This chapter provides a brief characterization of the motives underlying these new types of housing forms, and lays out challenges and opportunities that these projects entail. In doing so, it applies the concept of co-production, which signals a new paradigm in the way of conceiving the relationship between residents and professionals in housing provision.

How to Cite

Czischke, D. (2019). Collaborative Housing: The Resurgence of Collectively Self-organised and Self-managed Housing in Europe. Research in Urbanism Series, 5, 39–52.



Author Biography

Darinka Czischke, TU Delft, Architecture and the Built Environment

Sociologist from the Catholic University of Chile, MSc in Urban and Regional Planning Studies from London School of Economics and Political Science, and PhD in Architecture from Delft University of Technology, The Netherlands, with specialization on housing management, social enterprises and innovation. She is currently Assistant Professor at the Department of Management in the Built Environment and head of the knowledge hub on collaborative housing Co-Lab Research, at the Faculty of Architecture in Delft University of Technology. 


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